Dr. Philipp Dahm Joins the Journal of Urology Editorial Board

Dr. Philipp Dahm, Associate Professor of Urology and Director of Clinical Research, was recently appointed to the Journal of Urology Editorial Board. Dr. Dahm will serve on the Editorial Board for a three year term, through the year 2012. He joins Dr. Raju Thomas (Tulane University) and Dr. Dennis D. Venable (Louisiana State University) as one of three representatives from the Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association (AUA). The Journal of Urology is one of the most prestigious urological journals, both widely cited and read. It is also the official journal of the American Urological Association.  Dr. Dahm has previously made major contributions to the Journal of Urology through his publications, most notably, by introducing the Users’ Guide to the Urological Literature.

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