New Techniques Garner International Recognition for UF Urology Robotic Program

Dr. Sijo Parekattil, Assistant Professor of Urology, Co-Director of Robotic Surgery and Director of Microsurgery, was invited to present two keynote presentations at the Endourological Congress of Brazil at Ipinema Hospital, San Paolo in early February, 2009. His presentations focused on new techniques of hydrodissection of the neurovascular bundles during robotic prostatectomy, and on clampless robotic partial nephrectomy. Approximately 100 urologists from South America & Europe attended this five-day CME event. Dr. Parekattil was also invited to present five lectures at the International Andrology Congress in Ankara, Turkey in late February, 2009. The lectures covered cutting edge robotic microsurgical & 3D ultrasound imaging technologies in the treatment of male infertility and testicular pain conditions. This two-day CME event was attended by more than 300 urologists from Turkey and Europe.

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