Young faculty’s NIH funding and June “Journal of Urology” cover

Journal of UrologyDr. Benjamin Canales, Assistant Professor of Urology, was awarded a five-year, $750,000 National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to study the relationship between obesity, gastric bypass surgery, oxalate metabolism, and kidney stones. High levels of urinary oxalate levels (hyperoxaluria) has been shown to occur in up to 75% of patients who undergo gastric bypass, and many of these patients go on to develop calcium oxalate kidney stones. Despite a wide array of studies in gastric bypass surgery, little is known about the long-term effect of hyperoxaluria on the kidney following gastric bypass surgery. Dr. Canales and his colleagues have developed an obese rat model where the effects of this surgery can be studied more closely. Furthermore, because obesity is a risk factor for nephrolithiasis, this basic science model also provides an opportunity to study the relationship between obesity and kidney stone formation.  In addition to his grant funding, Dr. Canales recently published a review article on bladder amyloidosis in The Journal of Urology, and a photomicrograph from the article was featured on the Journal’s cover. Dr. Canales’ article reviews the etiology, presentation, and histology of bladder amyloidosis as well as treatment options for this rare entity.

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