Evidence Based Reviews in Urology (EBRU): New AUA Educational Program Spearheaded by UF Faculty

Evidence Based Reviews in Urology (EBRU) is a new educational program launched by the AUA in October 2009 under the leadership of Philipp Dahm, MD, MHSc (chairman of the EBRU Steering Committee) and Scott Gilbert, MD, MPH (member of the EBRU Steering Committee). EBRU is an online journal club that provides an opportunity for practicing urologists to learn critical appraisal skills in a user-friendly format. It features eight published articles per academic year (October – May) that are selected because they highlight important methodological issues as they relate to studies of therapy, prognosis, diagnosis or costs for example while at the same time being highly relevant to the day-to-day practice of urology. Participants are asked to critically appraise the clinical article in a structured format using additional evidence based medicine review articles as a guide. Following an online group discussion, reviews by clinical and methodological experts are posted.

EBRU is provided to all members of the AUA free of charge. It provides a convenient, practical and interactive way for busy urologists to learn critical appraisal skills and increase their clinical knowledge. EBRU also provides an opportunity to discuss common urological problems with other AUA members across the globe including recognized experts that will lead the group discussion. EBRU participants can claim CME credit by completing a monthly online evaluation form as well as an end of the year post-test. For further details and registration, please contact Sandra Baird (sbaird@auanet.org), EBRU Administrative Coordinator.

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