Cochrane Prostatic Diseases and Urologic Cancers Group Relocates to the University of Florida

Effective January 28 of 2013, the Cochrane Prostatic Diseases and Urologic Cancers (PDUC) Group has found a new home in the University of Florida (UF) Department of Urology and Prostate Disease Center in Gainesville, Florida. The PDUC Group that was formerly based at the University of Minnesota and the Minneapolis Veterans Administration Medical Center is one of 53 disease-centered Groups of The Cochrane Collaboration (, an international organization whose work is recognized as the benchmark for high quality information about the effectiveness of health care. The PDUC Group’s scope includes prostate cancer, bladder cancer, renal cancer and benign prostatic hypertrophy, and it is one of only 3 urology-relevant Cochrane entities, which include the Incontinence Group in Aberdeen, Scotland and the Renal Group in Sydney, Australia.

The PDUC Group is led by Philipp Dahm, MD, MHSc, Professor of Urology, as Coordinating Editor and Molly Neuberger, as Managing Editor. The PDUC Group currently maintains 44 high quality systematic reviews with another approximately 20 reviews in the protocol stage. Cochrane Reviews are published in the prestigious Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, which currently has an impact factor of 5.9. As part of the UF Prostate Disease Center, the PDUC Group is uniquely positioned to serve as a core resource to patients, health care providers and policy-makers looking for the highest quality information on effective health care. The PDUC plans to work closely with Florida’s Prostate Cancer Advisory Council and urological guideline developers to improve patient care in Florida and beyond.

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