2016 – 2018 Urology Care Foundation Research Scholar Grant Awarded to Paul Dominguez Gutierrez, PhD

PAULCongratulations to Paul Dominguez Gutierrez Ph.D., who was recently awarded $160,000 through the prestigious 2016 – 2018 Urology Care Foundation Research Scholar Grant.

Dr. Dominguez-Gutierrez’s highly competitive grant was selected out of a total of 85 applications. His project entitled “Characterization of the Immune Response within Renal Papillary Tips and Peripheral Blood Monocytes of Calcium Oxalate Stone Formers” will be funded over the next two years by the American Urology Association. Dr. Dominguez-Gutierrez, in conjunction with his mentors Drs. Benjamin Canales and Saeed Khan, will explore the role of circulating and kidney specific-immune cells in patients with active kidney stone disease. His second objective will focus on developing a therapy that will help prevent kidney stone development by harnessing the immune system -specifically monocytes- to target and clear stone deposits.

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