Elijah Lewis Retirement Breakfast

On Thursday, January 28th, the Department of Urology hosted breakfast to honor cysto tech, Elijah Lewis, on his retirement.  “Eli” has been with Shands for 43 years acting in various roles.  Eli started in the dietary department, the OR as a PST and to his current role of a Urology Cysto tech which he held for over 30 years!  He was an important asset to the Urology team.  His work ethic was impeccable, as Eli was always the first to work and stayed late countless times to finish the cases in his room.

A gathering of current and former attendings, residents, OR and clinic staff, colleagues and friends stopped by to wish Eli farewell during the breakfast. Kind words and an honorary plaque was presented by Dr. Stringer and Dr. Su.  An avid Miami Hurricane enthusiast, Eli was given several Miami mementos.

His infectious smile, friendly personality, positive attitude and
helping hand will be greatly missed!

Award presented to Elijah Lewis during his Retirement Breakfast
color photo of doctors Robert Newman and Michael A. Dennis
Dr. Su giving a speech at Elijah Lewis Retirement Breakfast
color photo of doctors Brandon Otto, Li-Ming Su and Robert Newman
color photo of doctors Thomas F. Stringer, Robert Newman and Michael A. Dennis
Elijah Lewis talking to people at his retirement banquet
Dr. Stringer presenting Elijah Lewis with a pin
Elijah Lewis smiling and laughing with the other doctors at his banquet
Elijah Lewis and Robert Newman smiling at the camera
Picture of Elijah Lewis candid smiling
Picture of people at the Elijah Lewis Retirement Breakfast
Dr. Stringer and Elijah Lewis smiling at the podium
Dr. Stringer and Elijah Lewis hugging one another at the podium
Group photo of all the attendees of the Retirement Breakfast for Elijah Lewis
Elijah Lewis opens a gift that is in yellow and blue
Elijah Lewis smiles very big after opening gift which had a Miami Hurricanes Jersey with his name on it
Elijah Lewis smiles very big after opening gift which had a Miami Hurricanes Jersey with his name on it with Dr. Bird's arm around him
Elijah Lewis smiles very big after opening gift which had a Miami Hurricanes jug
Elijah Lewis smiling with another man at the camera
Elijah Lewis with two other men smiling at the camera
Elijah Lewis with Dr. Su smiling a the camera
Picture of people in the conference room eating food at the Retirement Breakfast

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