American Urological Association Research Council: Dr. Benjamin Canales


Congratulations to Dr. Benjamin Canales,
appointed  by the Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association to the  American Urological Association Research Council.

Council Makeup

Council shall consist of the chairs of the designated component committees (ex officio, non-voting) and at least one member from each AUAER Section. Per AUA Bylaws, each Section shall be entitled to select one representative for each 800 voting members enrolled by that Section during any year. The AUA will request Sections to submit the names and CVs of three candidates that meet the member qualifications listed in this profile. Additional supplemental member criteria may also be required as defined by the Research Chair and Director of Research.  Per affiliation agreements, there are also three members from the Society for Basic Urology Research and one Dornier MedTech Corporation representative.

Mission Statement

The Council supports the research component of AUAER’s mission by advising and facilitating advancement of the Office of Research and its efforts to advance research through funding, education, and advocacy. The Council’s mission is to increase and maintain the workforce of urology physician-scientists and researchers to catalyze the advancement of clinical practice to reduce the burden of urologic disease through impactful research.

The functions and activities of this Council shall be assigned to component committees including but not limited to the Research Advocacy Committee; Research Education, Conferences, and Communications Committee; and Research Grants and Investigator Support Committee. In addition, the Research Council Chair, in consultation with the Director of Research and the Research Grants and Investigator Support Committee Chair, shall appoint a Research Grant Review Panel to peer review applications for Urology Care Foundation and AUAER research grants, as well as other ad hoc workgroups for specific research-related activities.


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