9th Annual UF Department of Urology/UroGators Alumni Society Reception – San Diego, CA

2016 AUA UROGATORS SAVE THE DATEThe UF Department of Urology/UroGators  Alumni Reception, held during this year’s  American Urological Association Conference,  marked a changing of the guard and a moment to reflect, while honoring Dr. Thomas Stringer  as the recent interim chairman and welcoming  Dr. Li-Ming Su as the new permanent chairman of the  UF Department of Urology, two of our own.

New University of Florida, Department of Urology Chairman, Dr. Li Ming Su, addressed a crowd of about 120 people on the night of May 9 in the San Diego Marriott Marquis in the Torrey Pines conference room.

This was a great conference and fantastic event,” Dr. Su said. “We had a wonderful turnout for our reception, my first as chair. I saw many UroGators as well as many prominent names in Urology enjoying the evening with us. It is evenings like this that remind me how special of a place UF and UF Urology is.

This year’s AUA meeting was held in San Diego, CA, from May 6-10. At the conference, Dr. Benjamin Canales received the prestigious Gold Cystoscope Award. This award is given annually to one urologist in the U.S. distinguished by outstanding contributions to the profession within 10 years of completing residency. Additionally, Dr. Thomas Stringer, who served as the UF Urology Department interim chair before Dr. Su took over in February, received praise from Dr. Su during the UroGators reception for his work and commitment to the department, which included a recent $350,000 philanthropic gift from Dr. Stringer and his wife Leah Stringer. Lastly, Dr. Romano Demarco was acknowledged for his $10,000 pledge to the Dixon Walker pediatric fund.

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I truly hope that all of our UroGators think of us whenever they come to AUA each year and plan on attending the annual reception,” Dr. Su said. “It’s a great way to stay in touch with your colleagues, get an update on what is new and exciting at UF Health and UF Urology while having a few drinks, delicious food and plenty laughs.”

In closing, mark your calendars for Oct. 7-8 when we will play host to the annual David M. Drylie Visiting Professorship weekend in Gainesville. This year’s visiting professor will be Dr. Peter Schlegel, the James J. Colt Professor of Urology, Chairman, Department of Urology, Urologist-in-Chief Weill Cornell Medicine/New York Presbyterian. He will be providing lectures about male infertility and assisted reproduction. Additionally, the Florida Gators play LSU in football on Oct. 8. Join us for our tailgate before the game kicks off.

The University of Florida Department of Urology's 9th Annual UroGators Alumni Society AUA Reception Save the Date
color photo of doctors Li-Ming Su and M. Louis Moy
color photo of doctor Joseph Pugh
color photo of doctors M. Louis Moy and Brandon Otto
color photo of doctors Michael A. Binder and Philipp Dahm
Photo of Doctor. Stringer a medical doctor standing with a resident doctor Pavlinec. Doctor Stringer is in a dark suit jacket with a white and light red striped collared shirt and lavender tie. Doctor Pavlinec is in a dark blue suit jacket with a light blue collared shirt and orange patterned tie. The background is of a coffee beverage table.
Small group photo of Doctor Stringer standing with two urology residents. Doctor Stringer is in a dark suit jacket with a white and light red striped collared shirt and lavender tie. One resident is in a dark blue suit jacket with a light blue collared shirt and orange patterned tie and the other resident is in a dark blue suit jacket with a white collared shirt and a dark tie. The background is of a coffee beverage table and a tan wall.


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