#1 New Release in Urology! Choe’s Urology Oral Board Self-Assessment by Lawrence Yeung, MD

Completely revised and updated, the new 4th Edition of Choe’s Urology Oral Board Self-Assessment is available now.

Under the leadership of Lawrence L. Yeung, MD, with contributions from 27 leading urologists from around the country, Choe’s Urology contains the most up-to-date content to prepare candidates for the oral exam and to teach residents during their training.  Whether preparing to take the American Board of Urology oral exam or using clinical cases to highlight important diagnosis and treatment issues, Choe’s Urology is the proven resource for learning and retention.

The fourth edition includes 95 updated new cases in over 450 pages with systematic analysis to help you prepare for the Oral Board. Cases are presented in a similar style to the actual oral examination format.

Dr. Yeung, including several of the University of Florida Department of Urology faculty (current and former residents), were involved with authoring chapters of the book.  Choe’s Urology is one of the most important and commonly used resources by Urologists every year, who are preparing for the oral board examination for ABU licensure. It is a case based book with core Urology topics that are tested on the oral exam.

To purchase your copy, please click here.



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