Holiday Appreciation Breakfast for Urology 6 East Nurses/Staff

A Holiday Appreciation Breakfast for the Urology 6 East Nurses was held Friday, December 15th.  The room was filled with nurses, staff, residents and faculty.  Residents spoke of their gratitude for our 6 East team.  In turn, nurses/staff spoke of their love and respect for our urology residents and faculty.

Thank you again 6 East for what you do for our team and more importantly our patients.

What a great team we have here at UF Urology!

pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east
pictures of holiday appreciation breakfast for 6 east

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