Dear UroGators Alumni, Friends and Former Trainees,
In the Fall of 2018, the Department of Urology at the University of Florida will celebrate our 60th Anniversary of Urology at the University of Florida. This anniversary would not be possible without the legacy, devotion and hard work of Drs. George Miller, David Drylie, Birdwell Finlayson, Dixon Walker, Harry Grabstald, Zev Wajman and many, many others. Our dedicated faculty and alumni continue to honor the legacy of those before and look to the bright future ahead.
We would like to create a “Fellow Wall” to display your picture and year served on the walls of our department. Please let us honor you by sending us a 5 X 7 picture (head shot) and confirming your fellowship year(s). You may submit an older or current picture.
You may send via mail or send via email:
University of Florida Department of Urology
1600 SW Archer Road, N216
PO Box 100247
Gainesville, FL 32610-0247
As we near the time of our celebration, you will receive notice of the time, location and events.
Li-Ming Su, M.D.
David A. Cofrin Professor of Urologic Oncology
Chairman, Department of Urology
University of Florida College of Medicine
1600 SW Archer Road, N216
PO Box 100247
Gainesville, FL 32610-0247