The 11th Annual Department of Urology/UroGators Alumni Reception was held at the Marriott Marquis San Francisco May 19th during the 2018 American Urological Association Meeting. Chairman, Li-Ming Su updated a large crowd on UF Health and Departmental developments over the last year. Associate Chair and UroGators President, Tom Stringer updated everyone present on UroGator events as well as his candidacy for AUA President with the on-line election process starting December 1, 2018.
The AUA reception is always a highly anticipated and communally embraced celebration for all of those with Gator ties. It includes close friends from other academic institutions as well as AUA, SESAUA and FUS leadership. Most importantly, the event brings together current and former UF Department of Urology residents, fellows and faculty. It is especially gratifying to see our recent graduates return to bask as alumni in the lore of history that glorifies our department. We are, in essence, all related through our shared experiences at UF.
The culmination of 60 years of residency training will be celebrated October 5 with Steve Nakada as the guest lecturer of the David M. Drylie, MD permanently endowed visiting professorship followed by the UF/LSU football game complete with a tailgate Saturday, October 6. The 60th anniversary will be celebrated Friday night at the new Cade Museum, with representatives from every era of residency training sharing their memories. This should be reminiscent, educational and enjoyable for all. We hope to see many if not all of you for this commemorative and historic event.