Congratulations to Raghav Pai who recently first-author published an original research article in BioMed Research International

picture of Raghav Pai

Congratulations to Raghav Pai who recently first-author published an original research article in BioMed Research International (Impact Factor = 2.583 according to Journal Citation Reports) entitled, “Image Quality and Patient-Specific Organ Doses in Stone Protocol CT: A Comparison of Traditional CT to Low Dose CT with Iterative Reconstruction.”

Raghav finished his undergraduate studies at UF and worked in the UF Department of Urology laboratory under Drs. Canales and Dominguez over the last year. He is now a first year medical student at the University of Miami. His manuscript co-authors include a number of urology, radiology, and medical physics faculty and residents.

To view the article, please click here.

Please join us in congratulating him on this terrific effort and wishing him
good luck in his medical career!

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