Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Rabley for being chosen to serve on the Housestaff Quality and Patient Safety Committee!
The Housestaff Quality & Patient Safety Committee’s primary goal is to involve our housestaff in institutional quality and safety improvement initiatives. The idea behind the committee is that housestaff provide a majority of patient care in the hospital so their involvement in quality and safety initiatives is paramount to providing excellent patient care. Our committee consists of resident physicians from each of the major medical and surgical specialties elected by their peers to represent their group.
This 2 year commitment to the committee includes:
- Personally attend over 50% of the meetings each year. For meetings when you cannot attend, find coverage by someone in your program
- Meetings include:
- HQPSC meetings on the third Tuesday each month
- Physician Director of Quality (PDQ) meetings quarterly on the second Wednesday
- Actively participate in a group HQPSC project
- Present highlights of quality/patient safety projects ongoing in the member’s residency/fellowship program
- Complete a brief report quarterly in collaboration with the PDQ
- Attend 1-2 half day sessions per year focused on leadership training
- Complete the IHI Open School online program within six months