Dr. Hiro Miyagi Elected to UF Housestaff Council Executive Committee

picture of hiro miayagi

Congratulations to Dr Miyagi for being elected by her peers to represent them on the UF Housestaff Council Executive Committee. She will hold the position of Vice-Chair of Diversity.  

The officers are as follows:

  • Co-Chairs:  Kirsten Freeman (CT surgery) and Sarah Gray (Surgery)
  • Vice Chair, Wellness: Kelsey Pan (Internal Medicine)
  • Vice Chair, Diversity: Hiro Miyagi (Urology)
  • Vice Chair, Budget/Finance: Ali Zarezadeh (Orthopaedics)
  • Vice Chair, Hospital Relations: Nikhil Shah (Cardiology)
  • At large representatives: Manuel Viamonte (Child Neurology) and Michael Damiano (Radiology)

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