Congratulations to Drs. Benjamin Canales, Nitin Sharma, Brandon Otto, and Vincent Bird on their publication in the September edition of Urology (Gold) Journal!

picture of drs canales, sharma, otto and bird
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Their publication entitled, “Long-term Recurrence Rates in Uric Acid Stone Formers With or Without Medical Management” highlights the challenges of starting patients with medically complex conditions on lifelong potassium citrate therapy for prevention of recurrent uric acid stones. The article emphasizes the need for clinicians to customize this therapy to strike the right balance of urine pH, stone prevention, cost, and side effect tolerability. Additionally, because the underpinnings of uric acid stones are linked to obesity and diabetes, they advocate for a multipronged treatment strategy that comprehensively targets weight loss, insulin resistance, and urine pH while providing more patient-friendly medications.

To view the article online, please click here.

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