Veteran Advocates ‘Take Care of Yourself’ | Chris Maxfield’s Story of Prostate Cancer

picture of chris maxfield and his wife

After 20 years in the military and 18 years in the United Nations, including four peacekeeping missions, retired Army veteran Chris Maxfield faced yet another life-threatening battle, this one back home.

Upon retirement, Chris and his wife settled in Florida. As part of his annual exam with Carolyn Stalvey, M.D., associate professor of internal medicine in the UF College of Medicine, she administered a PSA test and blood workups. Due to a bad urinary tract infection years ago, the 65-year-old had compiled a 10-year history of stable PSA scores in his medical record.

Stalvey noticed his numbers were a little higher than past years. While still low, they were within range to warrant a referral to UF Health Urology. In his initial appointment, Chris was seen by Michael Dennis, M.D., a clinical assistant professor of urology in the UF College of Medicine.

To learn more of Chris’ story, visit Hope & Healing: The UF Health Blog.

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