Benjamin Canales, MD named one of the UF College of Medicine’s 2019-20 University Term Professors

picture of dr canales

Each academic year, starting in 2016-17, the University makes available to the colleges 250 Term Professorships. Each award runs for 3 years and provides a $5,000/year salary supplement to the awardee. Tenure track Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors and Assistant, Associate, and Full Curators in the fifth year (or more) of full-time service in the tenure-track title at UF are eligible for an award.

Based on the nomination by Li-Ming Su, MD (Chairman, Department of Urology) and the recommendation of the College of Medicine Advisory Committee, Benjamin Canales, MD has been named one of the College of Medicine’s 2019-2020 University Term Professors.  

Congratulations to Benjy Canales, MD who was awarded a UF Term Professorship. Well deserved for this outstanding surgeon-scientist, who has contributed significantly to the field of endourology and kidney stone disease.

dr su's signature

Li-Ming Su, MD
David A. Cofrin Professor of Urologic Oncology
Chairman, Department of Urology

Please congratulate Dr. Canales on this honor.

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