Congratulations on NIH R21 Funding!

doctor canales is wearing a dark gray suit with a pink shirt and light blue and silver tie.
Benjamin K.
Canales, MD
Muna T.
Canales, MD
doctor cardel is wearing a white doctors coat. she has on dark scoop neck shirt. she has lon dark blond hair.
Cardel, MD
doctor donahoo is wearing a white doctors coat and a white button down shirt.  He has on a purple tie.  he has a mustache and gotee.
W. Troy
Donahoo, MD

doctor liu is wearing a gray suit jacket with a pink collared shirt.
Liu PhD

Congratulations to Dr. Benjamin K. Canales (Urology), Dr. Muna T. Canales (Nephrology), Dr. Michelle Cardel (Health Outcomes), Dr. W. Troy Donahoo (Endocrinology) and Dr. George Liu, (Health Outcomes)!

Their R21 grant entitled, “Phentermine/tOpiramate to eND Obesity and Uric acid stones Trial (POuND OUT)” was just funded through the NIH Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) section. Interdisciplinary efforts are becoming more critical for translational scientific discovery, and this collaboration from different departments and divisions within the University of Florida College of Medicine proves that team science is alive and well at UF. The POuND OUT proposal will investigate the ability of two FDA-approved weight loss medications to lower kidney stone risk in a population of obese, diabetic uric acid kidney stone formers.  Enrollment through the Department of Urology is expected later this fall.

Please join us in congratulating these scientists for their hard work!

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