Dr. Paul Crispen Named to the Pete and Carolyn Newsome Professorship in Urologic Oncology

doctor crispen in a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt and striped tie

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Paul Crispen to the Pete and Carolyn Newsome Professorship in Urologic Oncology.

Dr. Crispen serves as the Associate Chair of Clinical Affairs and Chief of the Division of Urologic Oncology in UF’s Department of Urology and holds a number of leadership roles within the UF Health Cancer Center. This is an extremely well deserved honor for an individual who has done an outstanding job at representing our department in all missions of clinical care, research, education and service.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Crispen for setting such a great example as a surgeon-scientist and a contributor to our department and health care organization.

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