Special Call For Pilot Applications: Prostate, Kidney, and Bladder Cancer Research

Application Deadline is Monday, January 25, 2021

Through the generous philanthropic support to the department of urology and the UF Health Cancer Center (UFHCC), we are pleased to announce a special call for pilot grant applications to foster new collaborative and transdisciplinary research projects focusing on Prostate, Kidney and Bladder cancers. These three cancers are among the top 10 cancers impacting our catchment area. 

We are seeking new synergistic and innovative research proposals spanning the research continuum from basic sciences to community-participatory research that will generate preliminary data to have a high probability of leading to long-term externally peer-reviewed funding.

This funding opportunity recognizes:

  • The research is innovative and addresses the needs of our catchment area,
  • There exists a great need to advance our understanding of the genetics, biology and risk factor determinants of Prostate, Kidney and Bladder cancers; and, 
  • Understanding cancer symptoms and cancer treatment toxicities are essential in developing new strategies for clinical trials and implement new methods to improve cancer symptom management, survivorship and palliative care.

The specific goals of this special call are to:

  • Identify new research opportunities focused on Prostate, Kidney and Bladder cancers;
  • Address identified needs of our catchment area;
  • Create synergies and collaborations among UFHCC members and other members of the main UF campus that will lead to impactful publications;
  • Stimulate future program-type applications for federal or national extramural peer-reviewed funding.

We anticipate awarding one proposal focused in one of the three areas for up to $50,000 maximum, dependent on quality of applications received and budget availability. Pilots awarded are anticipated to be awarded for a 12-month period.

Funds are expected to be released, and projects awarded by April 1, 2021.

Applications should be submitted to Natalie Roman, UFHCC Research Administration and to researchadmin@cancer.ufl.edu.

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