We are proud to announce the new resident additions to the University of Florida Urology family through the 2021 Urology Residency Match.
This year we are honored to have Miranda Eubank (University of Missouri-Columbia School of Medicine, Columbia, MO), Trisha Nguyen (Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Miami, FL) and Jordan Smith (University of South Alabama College of Medicine, Mobile, AL) join our residency program. The application process was extremely competitive this year.
For the three positions, there were over 350 applicants with 62 interviewed. These three individuals have displayed outstanding scholarship, professionalism, and work ethic during medical school.
We are excited to have them join the Department of Urology. We look forward to their continue development during their training.
Go Gators!
Christopher E. Bayne, MD
Assistant Professor
Associate Residency Program Director
M. Louis Moy, MD
Assistant Professor
Residency Program Director
Department of Urology
Li-Ming Su, M.D.
David A. Cofrin Professor of Urologic Oncology
Chairman, Department of Urology
University of Florida College of Medicine