Romano T. DeMarco, MD Re-Elected to the UF COM Faculty Council

head shot of doctor Romano T. DeMarco wearing dark suit with a white collared shirt and a blue and black striped tie. the background of the photo is a medium to dark blue.

Congratulations to Romano T. DeMarco for his unanimous re-election as the Department of Urology’s representative to the University of Florida College of Medicine Faculty Council.

The College of Medicine Faculty Council’s purpose is to promote the advancement of medicine by elevating and sustaining education; fostering patient care of the highest quality; promoting mutual fellowship and good feeling among the faculty; providing an effective means of communicating between the faculty and administration of the College of Medicine and Health Center; cooperating with the other administrative units within the Health Center and University in all matters of mutual interest; making charitable contributions; and by directing the energies of the members in the interest of public health and welfare.

The faculty council representative provides a critical conduit between the  faculty at large and the College administration and is expected to attend an approximately 1 hour monthly meeting (first Tuesday of the month) as well as College functions such as town hall meetings, faculty recognition gatherings and may participate in other critical College activities such as grievance committees, college level search committees, etc as convened. They are also expected to provide regular feedback to their department regarding Faculty Council activities and College events, and encouraged to participate in task forces such as the research task force,  faculty wellness task force and others as convened.  

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