2021 UF Urology Annual Faculty & Resident Golf Tournament

a group picture of doctor mason, whitney brophy, doctor carl brophy, doctor yeung and doctor stringer.  all are wearing casual clothes.  they had just finished a golf tournament.
From left to right, Dr. James Mason, Whitney Brophy, Dr. Carl Brophy, Dr. Larry Yeung, Dr. Tom Stringer

The annual UF Urology resident/faculty golf tournament was held Saturday, June 5th at the beautiful and challenging Mark Bostick Golf Course at The University of Florida. Not at all similar to the West End night-time golf, the tournament started with 8 years ago. What was the same, was the annual rain showers (one-hour delay and subsequent walk and carry), the comradery and the enjoyment of hanging out together.

I said long ago that this annual event was not about the golf. The format of a scramble and the obligatory mother ball sustained and a winning team emerged. The foursome of Dr. Larry Yeung (co-tournament director), Dr. J. B. Mason, Whitney Brophy (clinic ARNP) and her husband Dr. Carl Brophy prevailed despite absorbing the penalty of losing the mother ball.

Next year, more opportunity, more fellowship and probably more rain.  

dr stringers signature

Thomas F. Stringer, MD
Associate Professor
Associate Chair of Philanthropy and Alumni Affairs

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