UF Urology Represented at the 2022 SESAUA!

sesaua logo which is a round circle showing outlines of Puerto Rico, Panama and the states of LA, MS, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, KY and VA.

Southeastern Section of the AUA, Inc
86th Annual Meeting

March 16 – 19, 2022
Sheraton Puerto Rico Hotel & Casino
San Juan, PR

doctor yeung (on the left) and doctor ashouri (on the right) are pictured with their poster that won first place.
Pictured Left to Right: Lawrence L. Yeung, MD & Dr. Kenan Ashouri, MD

The University of Florida Department of Urology Residency Program is grateful to have been an active participant in the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association (SESAUA) in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Between Wednesday March 16 and Saturday March 19, UF Urology was well represented in the conference program. Faculty moderated 3 scientific sessions and gave presentations for 2 panel discussions. Resident-driven research was selected to give 9 podium, poster, or video presentations. Dr. Paul Dominguez-Gutierrez, an assistant scientist in Dr. Benjamin Canales’s lab, presented a poster, as well. The UroGators added hardware to the trophy case with PGY4 resident Kenan Ashouri, MD and faculty mentor Larry Yeung, MD winning Best Poster in the Malignant and Benign Kidney session (Titled: “Renal embolization for the obstructed and atrophic kidney”). Finally, the highlight of the meeting was watching PGY4 Nikhil Batra, MD place fourth among section-wide residents in the Resident Bowl. As his reward, Dr. Batra earned a place on the SESAUA Resident Bowl team, which will represent the section at the Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA) in New Orleans, Louisiana in May of this year. The UroGators have begun preparation for an equally active SESAUA meeting next year!

This photo is of Christopher E. Bayne who is a medical doctor. He is wearing his white lab coat with a white collared shirt and a dark blue tie. He has brown hair and is wearing black framed glasses. The background of the photo is medium blue.

Christopher E. Bayne, MD
Assistant Professor
Division of Pediatric Urology
Associate Residency Program Director

The Southeastern Section of the AUA graciously welcomed its members and guests to the first in-person annual meeting since 2019. All gathered in the warm sunny skies of San Juan from March 16-20. It was a robust academic meeting with an engaging social program. Participants included UroGators from throughout the section. The section has historically encouraged and sponsored resident involvement. This includes poster, video and podium presentations, resident participation in the board meeting and the resident’s night out. It was great to be together as a group. UF Urology had the largest contingency of residents of any institution in the section as a result of submitted and accepted papers. We can all be proud of our UF Urology history as well as the ongoing contributions from our next generation of UroGators.

The SES annual meeting was immediately preceded by the AUA Annual Advocacy Summit in Washington, D.C. This is a great opportunity to expose our residents as well as our members to political issues that affect our patients and practices. Through the generosity of the SES, I was able to take one of our UF residents to the summit. Resident participation has become a prominent and important part of the advocacy effort. Additionally, it should be emphasized that AUA leadership has strong SES ties with the current president Raju Thomas from Tulane, AUA board representative Martin Dineen from Daytona Beach, AUA Secretary-Elect Dave Penson from Vanderbilt and myself, as the AUA Treasurer for the next 4 years. It is a combined and continuous effort to contribute to the strength and future of urologic practice.

Photo of Dr. Thomas Stringer, a medical doctor and faculty of department of urology. He has on his white doctors coat, white collared shirt and a gold patterned tie.

Thomas F. Stringer, MD
Associate Professor
Associate Chair of Philanthropy and Alumni Affairs

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