UroGators Reconnect and Relive Time at UF Urology

seated at a table in a restaurant are doctors wajzman, wehle, dennis, stringer, walker and burns.
Pictured Left to Right: Dr. Zev Wajsman, Dr. Mike Wehle, Dr. Mike Dennis, Dr. Tom Stringer, Dr. Dixon Walker, Dr. John Burns

On Thursday, July 21st a special reunion took place at the M Brothers at Mayo restaurant in Jacksonville. Few things are as important as long friendships that include career-altering mentoring relationships. Both of those life gifts were recognized in a carefully planned and long anticipated dinner with two UF Urology emeritus professors Dr. Dixon Walker and Dr. Zev Wajsman.

Four of their former residents, fellows and grateful colleagues joined them after a long pandemic-induced hiatus. For Mike Wehle, Mike Dennis, John Burns and Tom Stringer, it was a dream come true.

We relived our beginnings and their patience and guidance in multiple shared stories. Both Drs. Dixon Walker and Zev Wajsman have received the Golden Gator Lifetime Achievement Award from our UroGators Alumni Society.

They continue to give and we continue to be grateful.

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