The Department of Urology was excited to have Dr. Seth Lerner from the Baylor College of Medicine serve as the 2022 David M. Drylie, MD Visiting Professor on October 7, 2022. His visit incorporated traditional lectures, case-based presentations, and research summaries to reinforce our understanding on the evaluation and management of urothelial carcinoma.
The day started with his talk entitled “BCG Unresponsive Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer – A Decade of Progress in Drug Development”. Resident case presentations followed with ample discussion of our most challenging cases and treatment pathways. The afternoon led to research presentations from our outstanding residents and laboratory collaborators. The day ended with Dr. Lerner’s Visiting Professor Lecture “Bladder Preservation for Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer”. The lecture was extremely well attended bringing together current residents, UroGator alumni, current faculty and past faculty members.
Paul L. Crispen, MD
Associate Professor
Pete and Carolyn Newsome Urologic Oncology Professorship
Associate Chair of Clinical Affairs
Surgical Director of UF Health Operating Rooms
October 6-8, 2022 marked the 8th Annual David M. Drylie Visiting Professor/UroGators Alumni Weekend event. The carefully planned weekend was a mixture of academic focus, which emphasizes exposure of the residents to national thought leaders, as well as relaxing family-friendly events centered on the Saturday football game. It was a huge success from all perspectives.
UroGators, including former residents and fellows, happily mixed with current residents at the Friday reception and the Saturday game day tailgate. Of special significance was the recognition of Dr. Bob Newman, former division chief, with the Golden Gator Lifetime Achievement Award at the Friday reception. He was honored in the presence of his family with tributes from his former residents and faculty colleagues. Possibly the most poignant moment of the weekend came with the announcement of the establishment of the Resident Education Memorial Fund formed to honor Drs. Omar Benitez and Dana Moody. Omar and Dana were residents in the late 90’s and sadly passed away early in their careers. The effort to memorialize them was initiated by a committee of their former co-residents as well as through a matching gift from Dr. Newman.
It is heart-warming to see and feel the enthusiasm, gratitude and loyalty that spans over 60 years of residency training at UF. It is the fabric of the UroGators.
Thomas F. Stringer, MD
UroGators President
Associate Professor
Associate Chair of Philanthropy and Alumni Affairs