The University of Florida Department of Urology enjoyed a robust academic schedule at the 2023 Southeastern Section of the American Urological Section Annual Meeting in Amelia Island, Florida. In total, our endourology fellow, urology residents, and urology-bound medical students presented 2 research podiums, 11 research posters, and 1 surgical technique video. Additionally, faculty moderated 3 research sessions and gave a State-of-the-Art lecture.

Dr. Elizabeth Kwenda was awarded best prostate cancer research poster for her abstract, titled “Utility of a urinary exosome biomarker to predict csPCA following negative MRI.” Dr. Michael Maidaa won best video abstract (session II) for, “Bilateral groin vasovasostomy using single-port robot assistance with ICG fluorescent vasography.” Dr. Nik Batra was a Resident Quiz Bowl finalist (for the second year in a row) and will earn an opportunity to participate in this year’s national competition at the AUA annual meeting in Chicago.