It is my great honor to announce our department faculty academic promotions for 2023. Drs. Benjy Canales (Full Professor), Paul Crispen (Full Professor) and Padraic O’Malley (Associate Professor) each received their promotion notice on June 21, 2023 from Joseph Glover, the University of Florida provost and senior vice president of academic affairs. Each one of these faculty have contributed significantly to academic urology and especially the growth of the University of Florida College of Medicine Department of Urology.
Dr. Canales has had a very decorated career as a surgeon-scientist, providing outstanding clinical care in kidney stone and kidney cancer treatment at the Malcom Randall VA Hospital in addition to investigating the mechanisms of oxalate metabolism and prevention of uric acid stone disease in obese patients.
Dr. Crispen has established himself within the UF Cancer Center as a thought leader and as lead of the urology disease site group, brought in more clinical trial patients than any other group.
Dr. O’Malley has transitioned to become the new division chief of urologic oncology and has done an exceptional job expanding our robotic surgical treatment options for all urologic cancers using both the multi and single port robotic platform. Seeing the professional growth and successful promotion of my faculty has been one of the greatest parts of being a chair.
Congratulations to these three outstanding individuals!

Li-Ming Su, MD, FRCS(Glasg)
Secretary General, Endourological Society
David A. Cofrin Endowed Chair of Urologic Oncology
Chair, Department of Urology