Meet Dr. Alec R. Holloway, UF Urology PGY 1

doctor holloway and his fiance ashley. they are dressed in suit and dress on the beach. this is an engagement picture.

Alec R. Holloway, MD

I am engaged to my amazing fiancée Ashley, my former anatomy lab partner who is now a pediatric resident at UF.

Why urology?

I had the pleasure of working in surgery prior to medical school and it was there that I discovered urology. I found that I enjoyed working with urologists whenever I had the opportunity, due to their kind and welcoming personalities as well as their great senses of humor. I especially enjoyed the wide variety of cases that urologists get to do in addition to having the blend of medicine and surgery that I discovered I wanted in my career.

What are you most looking forward to?

The collegiality and family atmosphere of UF Urology, cheering on the Gators with my fiancée Ashley, and the variety of cases I will have the opportunity to see and the incredible amount of information that I will learn.

What are your hobbies?

Golf, fishing, video games, and playing or watching most sports, especially my alma mater Auburn.

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