Meet Chief Resident Dr. Michael Maidaa, UF Urology PGY 5

Headshot of Michael Maidaa who is a medical doctor. He is wearing his white lab coat and a blue and white striped collared shirt and bright blue tie. He has short dark brown hair, a short beard and mustache. He is smiling. The background of the photo is blue.

Favorite Hobby or Leisure Activity:

  • Painting

Favorite Thing To Do Around Gainesville:

  • Cycling, Golfing and Pool Days

As a child I was a trouble maker or rule follower?

  • Trouble maker, unfortunately my mom had to attend a lot of parent -teacher conferences growing up

One word that best describes you:

  • Fun

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

  • Fly a plane

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

  • Tell Dr. Moy I’m quitting to freak him out

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