Prostate Cancer Research

Multiparametric MRI and Prostate Cancer Detection

Multiparametric MRI (mpMRI) is the latest imaging technology that is being used at UF to image sites of prostate cancer within the prostate gland. This has implications on:

  • Improving detection of cancer sites, leading to more accurate targeting of these sites by prostate biopsy
  • Surveillance of cancer progression in patients on active surveillance
  • Future efforts in pursuing focal therapy of cancer sites and avoiding prostatectomy or radiation

Need: funding to support small projects investigating the utility and accuracy of mpMRI in prostate cancer detection.

Involved Faculty: Li-Ming Su, MD, Tom Stringer, MD, Brandon Otto, MD in collaboration with Joe Grajo, MD (UF Department of Radiology)

Anti-Tumor Effects of Seaweed in Combating Prostate Cancer

UF Department of Urology physicians are collaborating with Hendrik Luesch, PhD, Professor and Chairman of Medicinal Chemistry and a pharmaceutical researcher in natural product drug discovery and development at the University of Florida who has discovered that local varieties of seaweed found off the coast of Florida may have the potential to prevent the development of prostate cancer. Their group has discovered that sea lettuce, a common green alga, has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant mechanisms that act along one of the key molecular pathways in prostate cancer development.

Need: funding to support studies to define the proper concentration and preparation of seaweed species relevant to anti-tumor effects and ultimately determine the dosage, potency, and effectiveness in animal and human studies.

Involved Faculty: Li-Ming Su, MD, Paul Crispen, MD, Long Dang, MD, (Medical Oncology), Hendrik Luesch, PhD (Medicinal Chemistry)

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