Pub Med Articles

Journal Manuscripts:

1. DeMarco R, Evans JM: An unusual case of testicular pain. Hospital Practice, 32(2):197-201, 1997.

2. DeMarco RT, Bihrle R, Foster RS: Early catheter removal following radical retropubic prostatectomy. Seminars in Urologic Oncology, 18:57-59, 2000.

3. DeMarco RT, Cain MP, Davis MM: Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis associated with a calyceal diverticulum. Urology 57:168-171, 2001.

4. DeMarco RT, Casale AJ, Davis MM, Yerkes EB: Congenital neuroblastoma: A cystic retroperitoneal mass in a 34-week fetus. Journal of Urology 166(6):2375, 2001.

5. Brock JW III, DeMarco RT: Prenatal urological intervention for obstructive uropathy. AUA News, 8:44-45, 2003.

6. DeMarco RT, Koch MO: Metabolic complications of continent urinary diversion. AUA Update Series XXII, 15, 2003.

7. DeMarco RT, Pope JP IV, Adams MC, Brock JW III: The use of bowel in vaginal reconstruction. Current Urology Reports, 4(6):409-11, 2003.

8. Brock JW III, DeMarco RT: The use of bowel in vaginal reconstruction. AUA News 9:14, 2004.

9. O’Connor JL, DeMarco RT, Pope JC IV, Adams MC, Brock JW III: Bowel vaginoplasty in children: A retrospective review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery 39(8):1205-08, 2004.

10. Thomas, JE, DeMarco, RT, Pope JC IV: Molecular biology of ureteral bud and trigonal development. Current Urology Reports, 6(2):146-51, 2005.

11. Thomas JC, DeMarco RT, Donohoe JM, Adams MC, Brock JW III, Pope JC IV. Pediatric ureteroscopic stone management. Journal of Urology, 174(3):1702-04, 2005.

12. Thomas JC, DeMarco RT, Donohoe JM, Adams MC, Pope JC IV, Brock JW III. Management of the failed pyeloplasty: A contemporary review. Journal of Urology, 174(6):2363–66, 2005.

13. Hassan JM, Pope JC IV, Revelo P, Adams MC, Brock JW III, DeMarco RT. The role of postoperative testosterone following repair of iatrogenic hypospadias in rabbits. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2(4):329-32, 2006.

14. Hassan JM, Adams MC, Pope JC 4th, DeMarco RT, Brock JW 3rd. Hydrocele formation following laparoscopic varicocelectomy. Journal of Urology 2006 Mar;175(3 Pt 1):1076-79, 2006.

15. Oottamasathien S, Williams K, Franco OE, Thomas JC, Saba K, Bhowmick NA, Staack A, DeMarco RT, Brock JW III, Hayward, Pope JC IV. Bladder tissue formation from cultured bladder urothelium. Developmental Dynamics, 235:2795-2801, 2006.

16. Thomas JC, Dietrich MS, Trulser L, DeMarco RT, Pope JC IV, Brock JW III, Adams MC. Continent catheterizable channels and the timing of their complications. Journal of Urology, 176(4 pt 2):1816-20, 2006.

17. Kaufman, MR, DeMarco RT, Pope, JC IV, Scarpero HM, Adams MD, Trusler LA, Brock JW III. High yield of urodynamics performed for refractory nonneurogenic dysfunctional voiding in the pediatric population. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 176(4Pt 2):1835-37, 2006.

18. Parekh AD, Trusler LA, Pietsch JB, Byrne DW, DeMarco RT, Pope JC IV, Adams MC, Deshpande JK, Brock JW III. Prospective, longitudinal evaluation of health related quality of life in the pediatric spina bifida population undergoing reconstructive urological surgery. Journal of Urology 176(4 Pt 2): 1878-82, 2006.

19. Jung C, DeMarco RT, Lowrance WT, Pope JC 4th, Adams MC, Dietrich MS, Brock JW 3rd. Subureteral injection of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid copolymer for persistent vesicoureteral reflux following ureteroneocystostomy. Journal of Urology 177(1):312-15, 2007.

20. Oottamasathien S, Wang Y, Williams K, Franco OE, Wills ML, Thomas JC, Saba K, Sharif-Afshar AR, Makari JH, Bhowmick NA, DeMarco RT, Hipkens S, et al. Directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells into bladder tissue. Developmental Biology 304(2):556-66, 2007.

21. Oottamasathien S, Thomas JC, Adams MC, DeMarco RT, Brock JW III, Pope JC IV. Testicular tumours in children: A single-institutional Experience. British Journal Urology International, 99(5):1123-26, 2007.

22. Stec AA, Thomas JC, DeMarco RT. Pope JC IV, Brock JW III, Adams MC. Incidence of testicular ascent in boys with retractile testes. Journal of Urology 178(4 Pt 2):1722-24, 2007.

23. Oottamasathien S, William K, Franco OE, Wills ML, Thomas JC, Sharif-Afshar A-R, DeMarco RT, Brock JW III, Bhowmick NA, Hayward SW, Pope JC IV. Urothelial inhibition of TGF-β in a bladder tissue recombination model. Journal of Urology 178(4 Pt 2):1643-49, 2007.

24. Thomas JC, DeMarco RT, Adams MC, Pope JC IV, Brock JW III. First Stage Approximation of the exstrophic bladder in patients with cloacal exstrophy: Should this be the Initial Surgical Approach in All Patients? Journal of Urology, 178(4 Pt 2):1632-1635, 2007.

25. Koski ME, DeMarco RT, Brock JW III, Pope IV, Adams MC, Thomas JC. Community associated methicillin resistant staphylococcal infections in a pediatric urology practice. Journal of Urology, 179(3):1098-1101, 2008.

26. Duffy JW, Thomas JC, Makari JH, Gold DE, DeMarco RT, Adams MC, Pope JC IV, Brock JW III. The impact of a fellowship on resident training in an academic pediatric urology practice. Journal of Urology, 179(2):720-23, 2008.

27. Stephany HA, Gatti JM, DeMarco RT, Murphy JP. Aphallia with urethrorectal fistula and end-stage renal disease: A case report and review of the literature. Dialogues in Pediatric Urology, 29:18, 2008.

28. Lee EK, Gatti JM, DeMarco RT, Murphy JP. Long-term follow-up of dextranomer/hyaluronic acid injection for vesicoureteral reflux: Late failure warrants continued follow-up. Journal of Urology, 181:1869-1875, 2009.

29. Penn HA, DeMarco RT, Sherman AK, Gatti JM, Murphy JP. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy For Renal Calculi in Children: Is It the Best Therapy? Journal of Urology, 182:1824-1827, 2009.

30. Tanaka ST, Ishii K, DeMarco RT, Pope JC 4th, Brock JW 3rd, Hayward SW. Endodermal origin of bladder trigone inferred from mesenchymal-epithelial interaction. Journal of Urology, 183:386-391, 2010.

31. Penn HA, Gatti JM, Hoestje SM, DeMarco RT, Snyder CL, Murphy JP. Laparoscopic versus open pyeloplasty in children: preliminary report of a prospective randomized trial. Journal of Urology, 184(2):690, 2010.

32. Penn HA, DeMarco RT, Gatti JM, Murphy JP. A rare bladder exstrophy variant Dialogues in Pediatric Urology, 31:7, 2010.
33. Graham SM, Gatti JM, DeMarco RT, Murphy JP. Fungus Balls in a pre-term infant with posterior urethral valves. Dialogues in Pediatric Urology, 31:5, 2010.

34. DeMarco RT: Editorial comment. Journal of Urology, 185(1):268, 2011.

35. DeMarco RT: Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy in Children. Advances in Urology, 2011:123606, 2011.

36. DeMarco RT: Commentary to ‘persistent renin-angiotensin system activation after anti-reflux surgery and its management’. Journal of Pediatric Urology, 7(6):623, 2011.

37. Leavitt DA, Rambachan A, Haberman K, DeMarco R, Shukla AR. Robot-assisted laparoscopic ipsilateral ureteroureterostomy for ectopic ureters in children: description of technique. J Endourol, 26 (10):1279, 2012.

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