Social Events

2024 Resident and Faculty Bowling Night

UroPups at Drs. Moy and Byun’s

UF Urology residents with the dogs, known as uropups. everyone is dressed in casual clothes and they are standing in dr moy's back yard by the pool.

Weekend fun with Drs. Mallory, Maidaa, Stringer and Batra!

doctors mallory, maidia, stringer and batra on the golf course.

2nd Annual UF Urology Welcome Bowling Night

Saturday, June 25, 2022

Intern to Intern happy hour before bowling night!

doctors drury, mallory, kwenda, nugen, smith and their significant others.

2nd Annual UF Urology welcome bowling night with the residents, incoming interns, Sub-i’s and APPs was a success! 🎳 🐊

urology residents, interns and extenders bowling.

2022 Chair Charter UroGator Excursion

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Another successful “Chair Charters” outing with UF Urology Chairman Dr. Li-Ming Su and our three chief residents, Dr. Jeremy Archer, Dr. Troy Larson and Dr. Tanner Rawlings.

2022 UF Urology Annual Faculty & Resident Golf Tournament

Saturday, June 4, 2022

The annual UF Urology resident/faculty golf tournament was held Saturday, June 4th. This annual event was started in 2013 with a clear purpose of establishing a social excuse for residents and faculty to spend time with each other outside the scope of training and patient care. That mission has been achieved time and time again.

Visit for more details.

UF Urology Annual Chiefs Dinner hosted by Dr. & Mrs. Tom (Leah) Stringer

Saturday, June 4, 2022

This past weekend  marked the annual chief resident’s dinner at the home of Tom and Leah Stringer. This celebration is one of the many events highlighting the achievements of our graduating residents: Drs. Jeremy Archer, Troy Larson, and Tanner Rawlings.

UF Urology Annual Chiefs Dinner hosted by Dr. & Mrs. Tom (Leah) Stringer

Saturday, May 22, 2021

The annual tradition of a formal but intimate dinner celebration for our three chief residents took place at the home of Tom and Leah Stringer on Saturday, May 22.. For more details visit

UF Urology Annual Chief Resident Graduation Dinner hosted by Dr. & Mrs. Tom (Leah) Stringer

Saturday, June 16, 2020

On Saturday, June 16th, the Annual Chief Resident Graduation dinner was held at the home of Leah and Tom Stringer. For more details visit

Chair Charter UroGator Excursion

Saturday, June 11, 2020

Another successful “Chair Charters” outing with UF Urology Chairman Dr. Li-Ming Su and our three chief residents, Dr. Kevin Campbell, Dr. Paula Domino and Dr. Alex Galante.

7th Annual UF Urology Faculty/Resident Golf Tournament Monday, May 25, 2020

The 7th Annual UF Urology Faculty/Resident Golf Tournament was held at Ironwood Golf Course on May 25th, followed by pizza and beer at the home of the Stringers. For more details visit

Hogtober Fest hosted by The Masons

Friday, October 11 – Saturday October 12, 2019

JB, Julie and Joe Mason hosted the First Annual Hogtober Fest on Friday October 11 – Saturday October 12. The family friendly event included cooking a whole hog and all the fixin’s to go with it. A good time was had by all! For more details visit

UroGators Alumni Tailgate

Saturday, October 5, 2019

For more details visit

Urology Resident Welcome Event

Saturday, August 24, 2019

On Saturday evening, 8/24/19, Dr. Li-Ming, Maria and Sean Su hosted the annual Urology Resident Welcome Event. Welcomed to the Urology family were Marc Abboud, MD, Michael Maidaa, MD, Brian Wiseman, MD and families. All enjoyed an evening of fun, great food, football..and a win over Miami!

For more details visit

Chair Charter UroGator Excursion

Saturday, June 15, 2019

At the end of every academic year Dr. Su takes our chief residents on a “Chair’s Charter” fishing trip. So proud of this year’s graduates Drs. Julia Han, Blake Noennig and Jonathan Pavlinec. This year’s catch will be hard to beat. Two huge cobia including Blake’s 41” and 34.4 lbs fish and Dr. Su’s 39” and 28.4 lbs fish. Epic day!

6th Annual “Under the Lights” Faculty/Resident Golf Tournament

Friday, June 14, 2019

For more details visit

Annual Chiefs Dinner

Saturday, April 6, 2019

For more details visit

UF Urology at the SESAUA

March 13 – 16, 2019

For more details visit

Urology Resident Welcome BBQ

August 18, 2018

Father’s Day Fishing

June 17, 2018

Father’s Day Fishing with Dr. Li-Ming Su, Dr. Nitin Sharma, Dr. Larry Yeung and Dr. Paul Crispen.

Dr Sharma holding his catch of the day - a large red fish
Dr. Yeung fishing off the side of Dr. Su's boat
Drs. Su and Sharma holding a large fish
Drs. Yeung, Crispen and Sharma fishing and holding up their catch of the day

Chair Charter UroGator Excursion

June 2, 2018

A fun day fishing was had by Dr. Su and our three graduating chief residents Russ Terry, Marla Wardenburg, and Paulas Vyas. Paul Crispen served as the first mate. Everyone sported custom designed Chair Charter UroGator fishing shirts. They caught several juvenile gag groupers and ended the day with Paul catching a spectacular 36” cobia.

dr. wardenburg holind a big fish
dr vyas, dr wardenburg and dr. terry
back of shirt everyone is wearing with the urogators logo
picture of dr crispen and dr su holding the fish dr crispen caught
dr vyas holding a big fish
dr. wardenburg, dr vyas and dr. terry fishing off the back end of dr. su's boat
dr. terry and dr crispen on the boat
picture of dr su, dr terry, dr wardenburg and dr vyas in front of dr. su's boat
dr. terry holding a big fish
drs. terry, wardenburg and vyas holding a big fish
dr su holding a big fish
dr crispen holding a big frish
picture of logo uf health urology chair charter
picture of dr su, dr terry, dr wardenburg and dr vyas in front of dr. su's boat

Annual UF Urology Resident and Faculty Golf Outing

June 1, 2018

Hosted by Tom Stringer, we had the best turn out since its inception.

Amazing team, amazing people!

dr. bergamo and dr campbell in a golf cart
dr. sharma and dr. pavlinec
dr demarco and missy dolan
dr. sharma and hayley Johnson
dr. vyas and dr. terry
dr. bergamo and dr campbell in a golf cart
group picutre of everyone that attended the golf outing


April 22, 2018

First meeting of the Uro Pups was held Sunday, April 22nd at the home of Kellie Raji and Tanner Rawlings.  Thank you for so generously opening your home and backyard to both humans and dogs alike.   It was a huge success!  Kellie and Tanner did an amazing job with landscaping their huge backyard.

Fortunately there was no doggie drama.

pics from uropup event
pics from uropup event
pics from uropup event
pics from uropup event
pics from uropup event
pics from uropup event
pics from uropup event

Annual Chiefs Dinner

April 23, 2018

  CHIEFS AT DINNER WITH TOM AND LEAH STRINGEREvery year Dr. and Mrs. Tom Stringer host dinner for our graduating chief residents.  This year, dinner was held on Monday, April 23rd.  It was an enjoyable evening filled with laughter, reminiscing and solidifying lifelong friendships formed during their years as Urology residents.

Tom and Leah Stringer’s love and devotion to our Urology residents is invaluable.

Good luck to our future UroGators…..Russell Terry, MD, Paulas Vyas, MD and Marla Wardenburg, MD!

2017 Urology Resident Welcome BBQ

August 5, 2017

BBQ invite Dr. Li-Ming, Maria and Sean Su, hosted our annual 2017 Urology Resident Welcome BBQ

Faculty, Residents, Extenders and families welcomed our new residents and their families (Jeremy Archer, MD, Troy Larson, MD and Tanner Rawlings, MD). All enjoyed a great time and delicious BBQ provided by Hills Brothers.

We are excited for the new year in UF Urology!

Picture Gallery

Carpool Chief Karaoke  |  A Tribute to our 2017 Graduating Residents

Dr. Benjy Canales drives three graduating UF Urology Chief Residents into the hospital on their last day of work. They end up having an adventure and lip-syncing like Carpool Karaoke.

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