What to expect during your initial consultation
It is important that prior to your initial clinic consultation that all Xray films and their reports (e.g. CT scans, intravenous pyelogram or IVP, sonogram, or MRI) are compiled and brought to your appointment for careful review by your surgeon. These films can be requested along with the radiology report from the facility that performed the Xray. A review of your medical history and a physical examination will be performed along with blood and urine tests if needed. If your surgeon determines that you are a candidate for cystolithalopaxy, you will then meet with a Surgery Scheduling Coordinator to arrange for the date of your procedure.
What to expect prior to surgery
Once your surgery date is secured by one of our Surgery Scheduling Coordinators, the items listed below will be ordered as necessary based upon your age, medical history and risk for surgery. These will be performed through a preoperative anesthesia consultation at the Presurgical Center at UF & Shands that will be arranged for you at your initial visit. During this consultation you will have the opportunity to speak to the anesthesia staff regarding the types of anesthesia available and the risks/benefits.
- Physical exam
- EKG (electrocardiogram)
- CBC (complete blood count)
- PT / PTT (blood coagulation profile)
- Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (blood chemistry profile)
- Urinalysis
Preparation for surgery
Medications to Avoid Prior to Surgery
Patients undergoing cystolithalopaxy are recommended to discontinue all blood thinners prior to surgery, if medically possible. Please contact your surgeon’s office if you are unsure about which medications to stop prior to surgery.
The following is a list of medications to avoid at least 7-10 days prior to surgery. Many of these medications can alter platelet function or your body’s ability to clot and therefore may contribute to unwanted bleeding during or after surgery. Do not stop any medication without contacting the prescribing doctor to get their approval.
Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Alka Seltzer, Vitamin E, Ticlid, Coumadin, Lovenox, Celebrex, Voltaren, Vioxx, Plavix
A formal list of these medications and others will be provided to you by our Surgery Scheduling Coordinators.
Preparation for surgery: There is no bowel preparation needed for cystolithalopaxy, and most patients are asked to be NPO (“nothing by mouth”) after midnight of the night prior to surgery.