Erectile Dysfunction

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

  • As defined by the 2nd Consensus Conference on Impotence, male erectile dysfunction (ED) “is the inability to initiate and maintain an erection satisfactory for sexual intercourse.” Large studies (such as the Massachusetts Male Aging Study) suggest that 20-30 million men in the United States alone suffer at some point in their lives with ED.
  • Many men often live with this problem for years believing the problem to be “in their heads” or an issue with their partner. As the male suffers (sometimes in silence) the partner is similarly concerned that she is no longer sexually attractive or has concerns regarding the implications for treatment.
  • Our understanding of ED has advanced tremendously in the past several years. A much better understanding of ED as a physical (not mental) process is the result of this progress. The release of Sildenaphil (Viagra®) in 1998 and the subsequent development of more oral agents have helped draw attention to the common occurrence of ED.


  • We offer several treatment options for men who suffer from erectile dysfunction including medical therapy with PDE-5 inhibitors, vacuum erection devices, urethral suppositories, penile injection therapy, and penile prosthesis placement.

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