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UF Urology Residency Program Fully Reaccredited and Expanded to 3 Residents per Year

The Department of Urology was recently notified by the Urology Residency Review Committee (RRC) on behalf of the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) that its residency program has been given full accreditation for a total of 5 years through 2014. In addition, the RRC approved the Department’s proposal…


Rotations are performed across multiple facilities that include, but not limited to, the locations listed below: An example of our rotation schedule: Rotations are divided into five levels of competencies: URO 1:  As an intern, residents will spend 6 months in Urology and…

Philipp Dahm, MD, MHSc Appointed to Serve on the Urology Milestone Project Working Group

  The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and American Board of Urology (ABU) are jointly spearheading a pioneering initiative to advance educational outcome assessment in urology residency training. This initiative entails formulating specific urology-specific expectations with regards to the six core competencies and defining the levels of performance…


Urology Education Fellowships and Residencies…

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