Posts tagged as

Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT for Medical Advice

Congratulations to UF Health Urology faculty Drs. Terry, Bird, Canales, and DiBianco and former Fellow Dr. Bristol Wiles for their recent publication titled “Caution! AI Bot Has Entered the Patient Chat: ChatGPT Has Limitations in Providing Accurate Urologic Healthcare Advice“.

Researchers Using Artificial Intelligence to Improve the Diagnosis and Management of Incidental Kidney Tumors

"The goal is to be able to analyze a patient’s CT scan with an algorithm that can accurately predict whether or not their kidney tumor is likely to be a cancer. That way, their treatment and management can be tailored more precisely to them," Terry said. "There’s a lot of potential here for us to be smarter about how we diagnose and treat incidental small renal masses. I believe this is only the beginning of how you’ll see urologists use AI to improve the care of our patients."

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