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Dr. Johannes Vieweg Named AUA Foundation Research Council Chair

Johannes Vieweg, MD, Professor and Wayne & Marti Huizenga Eminent Scholar Chair in Urology, was recently named the AUA Foundation Research Council Chair. The AUA Board of Directors unanimously elected Dr. Vieweg to the position, officially approving the recommendation of the AUA Search Committee headed by Dr.

Dr. Benjamin K. Canales, one recipient of Rising Star in Urology Award

  Dr. Benjamin K. Canales, Assistant Professor of Urology at the University of Florida, was one of two recipients of the 2011 “Rising Star in Urology Award” through the American Urological Association (AUA) Foundation and Astellas Pharma Global Development, Inc. This program, designed for young urology faculty…

Conferences & Lectures

Each week the Department of Urology holds lectures and conferences to supplement Resident & Faculty education. Below is a listing of the various lectures and topics covered and the frequency of each conference. Weekly Conferences Mondays No Conference Tuesdays…

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