Benjamin Canales
8th Annual UF Department of Urology/UroGators Alumni Society Reception – New Orleans, LA
The 8th Annual UF Department of Urology/UroGators Alumni Society reception was held in New Orleans on Monday night May 18th. Roughly 120 of our former residents and fellows, along with faculty and friends from institutions around the country, joined us for New Orleans food, drink and live music. The venue…
Benjamin Canales Featured in AUA Daily News 2014
Click here for more information, and click here to view his lecture.
2014 Urogators Alumni Society Reception Orlando, FL
The annual UroGators AUA reception was recently held in Orlando and was another resounding success. Attendance grows each year with a mixture of young, older and soon to be UroGators, as well as friends from all over the country. The camaraderie and enjoyment of food, drink, and Gator atmosphere…
Resident & Faculty Golf Challenge at West End Golf Course
UF Urology residents and faculty ventured into the darkness on June 7, 2013 for the inaugural golf challenge at West End Golf Course. For those not familiar with night golf, West End is the largest lighted golf course in the world. By the way, the rough is lighted only…
Dr. Benjamin K. Canales Publishes Article in AUA News
Dr. Benjamin K. Canales, Assistant Professor in the Department of Urology, published an article in the October 2012 issue of AUANews, a monthly newsletter sent to all American urologists through the American Urological Association. The article, entitled “The Role of Genetics in Calcium Stone Disease” highlights four…
Dr. Benjamin Canales Recognized as “High Impact Contributor” by the World Congress of Urology
Dr. Benjamin Canales, Assistant Professor of Urology, has been recognized for his presentation at the 26th World Congress of Endourology in Shanghai, China. His work, “Presence of five biofilm proteins are highly associated with early stent encrustation,” was selected as a “highlight.” Highlights, a group comprised of approximately 15 manuscripts chosen…
Dr. Canales makes September cover of Journal of Urology for his research on Randall’s plaques
Dr. Benjamin Canales, Assistant Professor of Urology, and Dr. Saeed Khan recently published an article entitled, “Ultrastructural Investigation of Crystal Deposits in Npt2a Knockout Mice: Are They Similar to Human Randall’s Plaques?” in The Journal of Urology, the most widely read and highly cited journal in the field…
Dr. Benjamin K. Canales, one of two recipients of the 2011 “Rising Star in Urology Award”
Dr. Benjamin K. Canales, Assistant Professor of Urology at the University of Florida, was one of two recipients of the 2011 “Rising Star in Urology Award” through the American Urological Association (AUA) Foundation and Astellas Pharma Global Development, Inc. This program, designed for young urology faculty with externally-funded career development…