Posts tagged as

Li-Ming Su MD

Clinic Renovations

Dear Valued Patients, We are thrilled to announce that the renovations at our medical clinic have been successfully completed! After months of hard work and dedication, we are delighted to unveil our refreshed and upgraded space, designed with your comfort and convenience in mind. Here are some highlights…

Drs. Su and Canales Recognized

The College of Medicine’s most accomplished faculty members were formally recognized as endowed chairs and professors, receiving specially engraved chairs as a symbol of their dedication to medical education, research and leadership.

UF Urology at the 2023 SESAUA

Southeastern Section of the AUA, Inc 86th Annual Meeting March 16 - 19, 2022 Sheraton Puerto Rico Hotel & Casino San Juan, PR

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month!

As prostate cancer is the most common genitourinary cancer treated by a urologist and by far the most visible cancer from the standpoint of public awareness, our UF Health Urology team members are doing their part to increase awareness of this challenging disease by wearing a light blue ribbon lapel pin throughout the month of September.

Core Lecture with Dr. Li-Ming Su

Friday, March 4, 2022 | Core Lecture: "Basics of Laparoscopy, Part 2" | Li-Ming Su, MD, David A. Cofrin Professor of Urologic Oncology, Chairman, Department of Urology

Core Lecture with Dr. Li-Ming Su

Tuesday, February 22, 2022 | Core Lecture: "Basics of Laparoscopy" | Li-Ming Su, MD, David A. Cofrin Professor of Urologic Oncology, Chairman, Department of Urology

UF Health Urology Podcasts/Videos

The official podcast of UF Health provides engaging insight on today’s trending health care topics. Earn CME credits while learning about clinical issues and research advances from experts at UF Health Shands Hospital, one of the nation’s top academic health centers. Subscribe to UF Health MedEd Cast and join the conversation!

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