The 2015 David M. Drylie, MD Visiting Professorship Lecture & UroGators Alumni Weekend, November 6 – 7, 2015
This year’s Visiting Professor Events and our UroGators Fall Alumni gathering was a time for celebration and honoring the memory of a pioneer. On Nov. 6-7, the University of Florida Department of Urology hosted its third-annual David M. Drylie, MD Visiting Professorship Lecture & UroGators Alumni Weekend. At the Nov. 6…
University of Florida Chief Resident Diana Kang Matches at Female Urology Fellowship at the University of California in Los Angeles
Dr. Diana Kang, one of two current chief residents in the University of Florida UF) Urology Residency Program, has recently matched in the Fellowship in Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery at the University of California in Los Angeles. This two year female urology fellowship led by Drs. Shlomo Raz…
UF Urology Faculty Leads ‘How to Teach Evidence-Based Clinical Practice’ Workshop
UF Urology Faculty Leads ‘How to Teach Evidence-Based Clinical Practice’ Workshop On Saturday, June 16th, the University of Florida (UF) College of Medicine (COM) Office of Education hosted an inaugural Faculty Development Workshop on the topic of ‘How to Teach Evidence-Based Clinical Practice’. Approximately 20 educators from all…
AUA Recognizes UF Resident for Outstanding Presentation
Dr. Charles Vincent, PGY3, was recognized at the 2009 AUA Annual Meeting for his poster, “Symptoms and risk factors associated with first UTI in college-aged women: a prospective cohort study.” His presentation, the result of research conducted in collaboration with his faculty mentor, Benjamin Canales, MD, was selected…