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Michael Maidaa MD

UF Urology Represented at the 2023 SESAUA

The University of Florida Department of Urology enjoyed a robust academic schedule at the 2023 Southeastern Section of the American Urological Section Annual Meeting in Amelia Island, Florida. In total, our endourology fellow, urology residents, and urology-bound medical students presented 2 research podiums, 11 research posters,…

UF Urology at the 2023 SESAUA

Southeastern Section of the AUA, Inc 86th Annual Meeting March 16 - 19, 2022 Sheraton Puerto Rico Hotel & Casino San Juan, PR

UF Urology at the 2021 Florida Urological Society

The 73rd annual meeting of the Florida Urological Society was held at the Sea World Orlando Renaissance Hotel, December 10-12. It was a uniquely invigorating, refreshing and entertaining meeting from both a social and academic perspective. For many of those in attendance, it was the first interactive in-person meeting in nearly two years

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