People who value Respect demonstrate…
- Active listening of other’s opinions
- Approachability
- Responsiveness to other’s concerns
To demonstrate Respect, we commit to hold each other accountable for the following:
- Always engage in honest, courteous, respectful, direct communication, which includes spoken remarks, body language, written documents, phone calls and emails, that are conducted in a professional, constructive, and efficient manner
- Respect the core values of integrity, honesty, credibility and teamwork
- Respect for department leadership and reporting structure
- Communicate and respond in a timely and appropriate manner including phone calls, texts, emails, pages
- Do not use email to resolve complex issues or to address emotionally charged situations
- Address concerns or disagreements with the appropriate person in a timely manner – refrain from ‘triangulation’
- Willingly participate in discussions on problem resolution, ask for and provide timely and honest feedback
- Listen and respond professionally to patients, visitors and/or colleagues
- Introduce yourself to others
- Knock prior to entering an office or patient’s room. Ask permission to enter and introduce yourself
- Maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information
- Be punctual; respect others’ time and give your time to others
- Meet deadlines and follow up on issues and requests
- Provide constructive feedback privately when possible. Coach in private; commend in public