Thursday, 10/6 • 3:15 pm Update
The game time decision has now been pushed to 5:00 pm. It appears they are deciding between later in the day, vs playing the game on November 19th when both teams have non conference games scheduled. We will update after 5:00 pm.
Thursday, 10/6 • 1:30 pm Update
We are waiting for a 3:00 pm announcement from the University Athletic Association regarding the LSU vs UF football game.
Once the game time and/or date has been determined, we will send notification via email and update our website with the UF Urology/UroGators Alumni Society Tailgate at the Plaza of the Americas.
Thursday, 10/6 • 8:30 am
Due to the possible impact of Hurricane Matthew to the North Central Florida area, the Department of Urology has cancelled our scheduled Visiting Professor Events for Friday, October 7th.
As of now, we are still planning to hold our UF Urology/UroGators Alumni Society Tailgate at the Plaza of the Americas.
At 1:00 pm we expect the University Athletic Association to announce information regarding the game. We will send notification via email and update our website with tailgate details and information.
The 2016 David M. Drylie, MD Visiting Professorship Lecture
Peter N. Schlegel, MD
James J. Colt Professor of Urology, Chairman
Department of Urology
Weill Cornell Medicine/New York Presbyterian
Schedule of Events
Friday, October 7, 2016
5:00 pm—6:00 pm
Visiting Professor Lecture with Dr. Peter Schlegel
“Controversies of Testosterone Treatment in 2016”
Harrell Medical Education Building, South Learning Studio (Room 135)
1104 Newell Drive, Gainesville, FL
Visitor parking is available for $10.00 in Garage 10, located north of Archer Road at Newell Drive,
serves the east side of the complex.
The 2016 David M. Drylie, MD Visiting Professorship Lecture is sponsored by the University of Florida Department of Urology UroGators Alumni Society. For information on how you can support this lectureship, please visit
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
2016 UF Urology Visiting Professor/UroGators Alumni Society Welcome Reception
Harrell Medical Education Building Scott Commons (1st floor)
1104 Newell Dr, Gainesville, FL
Saturday, October 8, 2016
UroGators Alumni Society Tailgate
8:30 am – 6:00 pm
Plaza of the Americas (located directly in front of Library West on the UF Campus)
Food & Beverage provided until 1:00 pm
LSU Tigers vs Florida Gators
12:00 pm
Steve Spurrier-Florida Field at Ben Hill Stadium
“The Swamp”
Please RSVP below. For more information email