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Advanced Imaging for Prostate Cancer
Wayne Brisbane, MD, discusses advanced imaging for prostate cancer. He evaluates the currently available imaging modalities. He defines the best use for each modality and he discusses future directions for imaging in prostate cancer.
The Benefits of a Transperineal Prostate Biopsy UF Health Urology Patient Testimonial
UF Health Urology patient Andy Farina never expected to have concerning results from his PSA test. When it came time to explore his issue further he turned to Wane Brisbane, MD, a urologic oncology surgeon here at UF Health to perform a leading-edge type of biopsy called a transperineal biopsy that is safer and more effective than a traditional biopsy approach.
Wayne G. Brisbane, MD
Treatment for Prostate Conditions
Wayne Brisbane, MD discusses the difference between a normal prostate, benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer. He also discusses why how using imaging can guide both diagnosis and treatment for better patient results. He goes over treatment techniques such as groundbreaking focal therapy, radiation, traditional surgery and combination therapies.
Prostate Cancer Focal Therapy
Wayne Brisbane M.D. gives an overview of prostate cancer focal therapy. He differentiates prostate cancer focal therapy from whole-gland therapy. He helps to understand the limitations of focal therapy and he characterizes the ideal patient for this innovative therapy.
What to Know About Infertility Treatment at UF Health Reproductive Medicine
Knowing what to expect when you are thinking about seeking infertility treatment is an important step on the road to becoming a parent. In this video reproductive medicine experts Dr. Rhoton-Vlasak and Dr. Campbell explain what you need to know.
Vasectomy Reversal: Provider and Patient Considerations
Kevin Campbell M.D highlights vasectomy reversal with both provider and patient consideration. He describes the workup and counseling for patients interested in vasectomy reversal. He outlines the surgical techniques and procedures available for men with a history of vasectomy and he discusses the post-operative considerations following a vasectomy reversal.
What to Know Before Getting a Vasectomy
Understanding what a vasectomy is, what the procedure entails and what the recovery looks like is important when deciding whether to undergo this procedure. Kevin Campbell, MD, an assistant professor in the department of urology at the University of Florida College of Medicine who specializes in men’s health, answers some commonly asked questions.
Treatment for Low T & Erectile Dysfunction
Kevin Campbell, MD goes over what Testosterone Deficiency means, various treatment options and what to be aware of before starting testosterone therapy. He also goes over Erectile Dysfunction, including the causes and treatments including: injection therapy, medication, devices and implants.
Kevin J. Campbell, MD
Male Infertility
Kevin Campbell MD discusses male infertility. He shares the initial steps in the workup of male infertility, exploring medical therapies that optimize fertility and surgical options available to improve or restore male fertility.
Paul L. Crispen, MD
Improving Outcomes for Stage I Bladder Cancer
Paul Crispen MD defines recurrence rates in stage I bladder cancer. He characterizes established methods to decrease disease recurrence and helps us recognize barriers to implementing methods that improve outcomes.
Bladder Preservation Program
Paul Crispen MD discusses the bladder preservation program at UF Health Shands Hospital, examining current indications for radical cystectomy when treating bladder cancer. He helps us understand current indications for radical cystectomy when treating bladder cancer. He defines BCG refractory disease and treatment options outside of radical cystectomy for BCG refractory disease, and very importantly shares patient and tumor characteristics that are associated with improved outcomes.
Brian H. Ramnaraign, MD | Kathryn E. Hitchcock, MD, PhD | PAUL L. CRISPEN, MD
Multi-D Approach for Treating Stage II-III Bladder Cancer
In this panel discussion, Kathryn Hitchcock MD, PhD, Brian Ramnaraign MD, and Paul Crispen MD examine the multi-disciplinary approach for treating bladder cancer. They explain the treatment options available to patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer, when each are appropriate, and what approaches clinical trials are attempting to bring in. They also describe the experience of patients after cystectomy or bladder preservation, and the cancer-free and overall survival of patients in these populations.
Michael A. Dennis, jr., MD, FACS
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Michael Dennis, MD discusses benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). He helps us understand BPH in its role of causal symptomatology. He reviews the epidemiology and treatment modalities in BPH and shares an evidence-based knowledge of current and emerging therapies for BPH.
Padraic G. O’Malley, MSc, MD, FRCSC
Advanced Kidney Cancer Management
Padraic O’Malley MSc, MD discusses advanced kidney cancer management at UF Health Shands Hospital. He shares how they utilize surgery, radiation, and medical oncology therapies, some of the most exciting advanced surgical technologies, and how utilization of a multidisciplinary team has been ideal for managing these complex patients.
Li-Ming Su, MD, FRCS(Glasg)
Robotic Urologic Surgery Program
Li-Ming Su, MD discusses the robotic urologic surgery program at UF Health Shands Hospital. He shares how advancements in instrumentation and rapid adoption of robotic surgery is changing the landscape of urologic surgeries at UF Health Shands Hospital. He examines the advantages of robotic surgery over conventional open and laparoscopic surgery and how the multitude of robotic surgical procedures are applied to oncologic procedures, female urology and reconstructive surgery.
Lawrence L. Yeung, MD
Treatment for Urinary Incontinence
Larry Yeung, MD reviews the various types of incontinence, why it is important to treat and different management options including behavior modification, medication, devices, physical therapy and various surgical options.